Thank you for your interest in donating to Grant County Hospice! We rely on community support to meet growing needs, and we are touched by the continued generosity.
Donations help fund programs and services that directly support our patients and their families. You’re helping us to:
- Provide free or discounted care to patients who lack insurance and need help paying for their care;
- Provide special medical equipment or supplies not covered by Medicare, Medicaid, or other insurances;
- Train our staff, because we believe every patient deserves the highest quality care available;
- Help our patients attend special events or fulfill their final wishes;
- Provide community outreach and education.
If you would like to donate by check, please make it payable to “Grant County Hospice” and mail it to:
Grant County Hospice
111 S. Jefferson Street
Lancaster, WI 53813
If you prefer to make your donation by credit card, you may donate here.