Why choose Hospice care?
Patients choose hospice care when it becomes clear that a cure is no longer likely and they want comfort care so they can live as fully as possible until the end of life. Hospice is available for persons with terminal cancer as well as other long term chronic illnesses such as heart disease and dementia.
What services are provided?
Grant County Hospice unites your primary physician, nurses, home health aides, social workers, spiritual counselors and trained volunteers into care teams. We work together with patients and families to bring dignity and well-being to anyone affected by illness and loss. In addition to managing pain or other symptoms, we help with practical needs like eating, bathing, and making sure patients can rest.
Where is care provided?
We care for patients and families in the comfort of their own homes. Our staff will make home visits wherever the patient lives. This includes assisted living facilities and nursing homes.
How is Hospice funded?
Many patients have coverage for hospice through Medicare, Medicaid, or the hospice benefit included in their health plan.
The Medicare Hospice Benefit includes:
- Home visits by nurses, home health aides, social worker and volunteers.
- We provide 24-hour access to a nurse for information or support either over the phone or by a home visit.
- Medicines to control pain and symptoms related to the terminal diagnosis (the illness that is the patient’s reason for being in hospice).
- Durable equipment, such as wheelchairs, walkers, oxygen and hospital beds.
- Ancillary services (therapies and dietary support).
- Bereavement support for the family.
Coverage by Medicaid and most private insurance is similar to the Medicare Hospice Benefit. We care for patients at the end of life regardless of their ability to pay through generous donations from local residents, businesses and civic groups.
What if we cannot care for our loved one at home?
Grant County Hospice has close ties with many assisted living centers and nursing homes in the area. We partner with nurses and other professionals in these facilities, bringing more eyes, hands, and experience to patient and family care. If a patient receiving hospice at home has symptoms that become severe, we also may coordinate a short stay at an inpatient setting, such as a hospital, to bring symptoms under control.
What role do families and friends play?
Many families and friends care for their loved one at home or elsewhere. We support families and friends with our whole team. Our role is to help patients, families and friends make the most of their time together.
When should we call Grant County Hospice?
The Medicare Hospice Benefit recommends a 6 months or less prognosis. We can best help patients and families when there is time to plan. It is never too early to call for information or for a no charge consultation.